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All good milk must come to an end

I believe Darla is at the end of her lactation period. Her production has sharply dropped in the last few weeks. She only gave me 11 oz. this morning. A month ago she was giving me 3 pounds in the morning. I'm pretty sure she's pregnant so I'll send a blood test at the end of the month, along with samples from my other two does to confirm pregnancies. And that'll be the end of my sweet Nubian milk for a few months. Darla isn't due to kid until the first week of February and her kids get her milk for the first couple weeks without sharing with us. I'm looking forward to sleeping in, but I'm gonna miss that sweet milk.

Since I'm a newbie at all this dairy goat ranching business, I had no idea that the milk produced at the end of the lactation cyle was especially high in butterfat. The milk we've been getting for the last couple weeks is like heavy cream! It's delicious!

I'm looking forward to next year when, Lord willing, I'll have four milking does and more than enough milk for all that I want to do: cheese, yogurt, carmels, flan, and soaps!

I looked at a doe today who comes from Crow's Dairy, a local goat dairy in my area. The doe looks to be in good condition and is being sold because her owner is wanting to breed only LaManchas. She feels the Nubian is too tempermental for her preference. Nubians are definitely more sensative and spirited creatures... but I like that! They have personality... and really good milk!

I plan to bring this doe home the weekend of Thanksgiving. Her name is TSF Creamery Marie's Ahnie. Here's a picture of "Ahnie".

Ahnie on the left
Ahnie in the middle

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